


Richelle, M. and Feuerstein, R. (Under the direction of Prof. Andre Rey, and in collaboration with M. Jeannet) (1957). Enfants Juifs Nord-Africans. Tel Aviv: Youth Aliyah.

Feuerstein, R. &  Richelle, M. (Under the direction of Prof. Andre Rey, and in collaboration with M. Jeannet) (1963). Children of the Mellah: Socio-cultural deprivation and its educational significance. Jerusalem: Szold Foundation (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M. (1979). The dynamic assessment of retarded performers: The learning potential assessment device (LPAD). Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M., & Miller, R. (1980). Instrumental  Enrichment: An intervention program for cognitive modifiability. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press. (Chinese translation, 1989)

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Rynders, J. (1988). Don’t accept me as I am: Helping “retarded” people to excel. N.Y.: Plenum Press (Second revised edition published by Skylight in 1997; Dutch translation: Laat me niet zoals ik bem. Rotterdam: Leminscaat, 1993; Italian translation: Non accettarmi como sono. Milan: R.C.S. Libri, 1995; Japanese translation – 2000)

Wexler, M. and Feuerstein, R. (Eds.) (1988). Reconstructive plastic surgery for people with Down Syndrome as an element in shaping modifying environment. Jerusalem: Zak and Co. (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R. and Rand Y. (with Engels N. & Feuerstein, Ra S.) (2001). Don’t accept me as I am. (New enlarged Hebrew edition). Jerusalem: ICELP Press. (Revised Italian translation: Ladisabilita non e un limite. Firenze: Libri Liberi, 2005; revised English edition, ICELP Press, 2006).

Feuerstein, R., Klein, P., & Tannenbaum, A. (Eds.)(1991). Mediated learning experience: Theoretical, psychosocial, and learning implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.

Feuerstein, R. (1998). The theory of mediated learning experience: About human as a modifiable Being. Jerusalem: Ministry of Defense Publications (in Hebrew).

Kozulin, A., Feuerstein, R., & Feuerstein, Ra. S.  (Eds).(2001) Mediated learning experience in teaching and counseling (Proceedings of the international conferences “Models of teacher training” and “Educational advancement for youth at risk”). Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., Rand, Y., & Feuerstein, Ra.S. (2002). The dynamic assessment of cognitive modifiability. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R. et al (2003). Feuerstein’s theory and applied systems: A reader. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R. and Spire, A. (2006). La pédagogie à visage humain. Paris: Le Bord de l’Eau.

Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., Rand, Y., & Feuerstein, Ra.S. (2006). Creating and enhancing cognitive modifiability: The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment program. Jerusalem: ICELP Press. (Italian translation: Il programma de arricchimentostrumentale di Feuerstein. Erickson, 2008).

Feuerstein, S. & Feuerstein, R. (2008). Mediated learning experience in theory and in everyday life. Jerusalem: ICELP and Ashkelon Academic College (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., & Feuerstein Ra.S. (2010). Beyond Smarter:Mediated Learning and the Brain’s Capacity for Change. New York: Teachers College Press.

Chapters, articles, and manuals

Feuerstein, R. & Richelle, M. (1958). Perception and drawing of the North African Jewish child. Megamot, 9: 156-162 (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R. & Krasilowsky, D. (1967). The treatment group technique. Israeli Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines, 5: 61-90.

Feuerstein, R. and Shalom, H. (1967). Methods of assessing the educational level of socially and culturally disadvantaged children. Megamot, No 2-3: 177-187 (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R. (1968). The Learning Potential Assessment Device. In B.W.Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency. Reigate,UK: Michael Jackson.

Feuerstein, R. (1970). Les differences de fonctionnement cognitif dans des groupes socio-ethniques differents. Ph.D. thesis. Sorbonne, Paris.

Feuerstein, R. (1970). A dynamic approach to causation, prevention, and alleviation of retarded performance. In C. Haywood (Ed.), Social-Cultural Aspects of Mental Retardation. N.Y.: Appleton, Century, Crofts.

Feuerstein, R., Hanegby, R., & Krasilovsky, D. (1970). The corrective object relations: Theory and treatment group technique. Psychological Processes, 1: 2.

Feuerstein, R. (1971). Low functioning children in residential and day settings for the deprived. In M.Wolins & M.Gottesman (Eds.), Group Care: An Israeli Approach. N.Y.: Gordon and Breach.

Feuerstein, R. (1971). The redevelopment of the socio-culturally disadvantaged adolescent in group care. In M.Wolins & M.Gottesman (Eds.), Group Care: An Israeli Approach. N.Y.: Gordon and Breach.

Feuerstein, R. (1972). Alleviation of retarded performance. In H.P.David (Ed.), Child Mental Health in International Perspective. New York: Harper and Row.

Feuerstein, R. (1972). Cognitive assessment of the socio-culturally deprived child and adolescent. In L.J. Cronbach and P.Drenth (Eds.), Mental tests and cultural adaptation. The Hague: Mouton.

Feuerstein, R. & Krasilowsky, D. (1972). Intervention strategies for the significant modification of cognitive functioning in the disadvantaged adolescent. The Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 11: 572-582.

Feuerstein, R., Krasilowsky, D., and Rand, Y. (1974). The evolvement of innovative educational strategies for the integration of high risk adolescents in Israel. Phi Delta Kappan, 35: 556-581.

Feuerstein, R. and Rand, Y. (1974). Mediated Learning Experience: An outline of proximal etiology for differential development of cognitive functions. Journal of International Council of Psychology, 9-10: 7-37.

Feuerstein, R. (1976). Dynamic assessment of cognitive modifiability in retarded performers: The Learning Potential Assessment Device. In B.B.Wolman (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology, Section XII. New York.

Feuerstein, R., Hoffman, M., Krasilowsky, D., Rand, Y., & Tannenbaum, A. (1976). The effects of group care on the psychosocial habitation of immigrant adolescents in Israel, with special reference to high-risk children. International Review of Applied Psychology, 25: 189-201.

Feuerstein, R. (1977). Mediated Learning Experience (MLE): A theoretical basis for cognitive modifiability during adolescence. In P.Mittner (Ed.), Research to Practice in Mental Retardation: Education and Training, vol.2. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.

Rand, Y. Feuerstein, R., Tannenbaum, A., Jensen, M., & Hoffman, M. (1977). An analysis of the effects of Instrumental Enrichment on disadvantaged adolescents. In P.Mittner (Ed.), Research to Practice in Mental Retardation: Education and Training, vol.2. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.

Feuerstein, R., Krasilowsky, D., & Rand, Y. (1978). Modifiability during adolescence. In J. Anthony (Ed.), Yearbook of the International Association for Chile Psychiatry and Allied Professions. London: Wiley.

Feuerstein, R. (1979). Ontogeny of learning. in M.T.Brazier (Ed.), Brain Mechanisms in Memory and Learning. New York: Raven Press.

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Hoffman, M., Howwman, M. and Miller, R. (1979). Cognitive modifiability in retarded adolescents. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 83: 539-550. [Reprinted in Pediatric Rehabilitation, vol. 7, pp. 20-29, 2004]

Rand, Y., Tannenbaum, A. & Feuerstein, R. (1979). Effects of Instrumental Enrichment on the psycho-educational development of low-functioning adolescents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 71: 751-763.

Feuerstein, R. & Jensen, M. (1980). Instrumental Enrichment: Theoretical basis, goals, and instruments. The Educational Forum, 44:401-423.

Feuerstein, R. (1981). Mediated learning experience in the acquisition of kinesics. In R. Saint-Claire and B. Hoffer (Eds.), Developmental Kinesics: The Emerging Paradigm. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.

Feuerstein, R., Miller, R., Rand, Y. & Jensen, M. (1981) Can evolving techniques better measure cognitive change? The Journal of Special Education, 15: 201-219.

Feuerstein, R. & Hoffman, M. (1982). Intergenerational conflict of rights: Cultural imposition and self-realization. Viewpoints in Teaching and Learning, 58: 44-63.

Feuerstein, R. (1984). On the desirability of preserving family and communal traditions. In The Integration of Immigrant Adolescent: A Selection of Articles of Youth Aliyah. Jerusalem: Jewish Agency.

Feuerstein, R., Jensen, M., Rand, Y., and Hoffman, M. (1984). Instrumental Enrichment: An intervention program for structural cognitive modifiability. In J.Segal, S. Chipman, and R. Glaser (Eds.), Thinking and Learning Skills, vol.1. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Feuerstein, R. & Klein, P. (1985). Environmental variables and cognitive development. In S.Harel and N.J.Anastasiow (Eds.), The At-Risk Infant: Psycho-Socio-Medical Aspects. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes.

Feuerstein, R. Rand, Y. Haywood, H.C., Hoffman, M.B., Jensen, M.R., et al (1985). Learning Potential Assessment Device Manual. Jerusalem: HWCRI.

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Jensen, M., Kaniel, S., Tzuriel, D., Ben Schachar, N., Mintzker, Y. (1985/86). Learning potential assessment. Special Services in the Schools, 2: 85-106.

Feuerstein, R. (1986). The foster home group experiment. In Y.Kashti and M.Arieli (Eds.), Residential Settings and the Community. Tel Aviv: Freund.

Feuerstein, R., Hoffman, M., Rand, Y. Jensen, M., Tzuriel, D., Hoffman, D. (1986). Learning to learn: Mediated learning experience and Instrumental Enrichment. Special Services in the Schools, 3: 49-82.

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Jensen, M., Kaniel, S., & Tzuriel, D. (1987). Prerequisites for assessment of learning potential: The LPAD model. In C.Lidz (Ed.), The Dynamic Assessment. N.Y.: Guilford Press.

Arieli, M. & Feuerstein, R. (1987). The two-fold care organization: On the combination of group and foster situations. Child and Youth Care Quarterly, 16: 168-184.

Jensen, M. & Feuerstein, R. (1987). The LPAD: from philosophy to practice. In C.Lidz (Ed.), The Dynamic Assessment. N.Y.: Guilford Press.

Feuerstein, R., Jensen, M., Rand, Y., Kaniel, S. & Tzuriel, D. (1988). Cultural difference and cultural deprivation: A theoretical framework for differential intervention. In R.M.Gupta and P.Coxhead (Eds.), Cultural Diversity and Learning Efficiency. London: Macmillan.

Strauss, R., Mintzker, Y., Feuerstein, R., Wexler, M-R., Rand, Y. (1988). Social perception of the effects of Down Syndrome facial surgery: A school-based study of ratings by normal adolescents. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 81: 841-846.

Tzuriel, D. and Samuels, M.& Feuerstein, R. (1988). Non-intellective factors in dynamic assessment. In R.M.Gupta and P.Coxhead (Eds.), Cultural Diversity and Learning Efficiency. London: Macmillan.

Kaniel, S. & Feuerstein, R. (1989). Special needs of children with learning difficulties. Oxford Review of Education, 15: 165-179.

Feuerstein, R. (1990). The cognitive modifiability of persons with Down Syndrome. In E.Chigier (Ed.), Looking Up at Down Syndrome. Tel Aviv & London: Freund.

Feuerstein, R. (1990). Mediating cognitive processes to the retarded performer. In M.Schwebel, C.Maher, and N.Fagley (Eds.), Promoting Cognitive Growth over the Life-span. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Feuerstein, R. (1990). The theory of structural cognitive modifiability. In B.Presseisen (Ed.), Learning and Thinking Styles: Classroom Interaction. Washington, DC: National Education Association.

Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1990). Conceptual foundations of the modifying environment in group care and treatment settings for children and youth. Journal of Child and Youth Care, 5: 23-33.

Falik, L. & Feuerstein, R. (1990). Structural cognitive modifiability: A new cognitive perspective for counseling and psychotherapy. International Journal of Cognitive Education and Mediated Learning, 1: 143-150.

Feuerstein, R. (1991). Cultural difference and cultural deprivation. Differential patterns of adaptability. In N.Bleichrodt and P.Drenth (Eds.), Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger.

Feuerstein, R. & Feuerstein, S. (1991). Mediated learning experience: A theoretical review. In R. Feuerstein, P. Klein, & A. Tannenbaum,(Eds.), Mediated learning experience: Theoretical, Psychosocial, and Learning Implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.

Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., Hoffman, M., Egozi, M., & Ben-Schachar, N. (1991). Intervention programs for retarded performers: Goals, means,  and expected outcomes. In L.Idol and B.Jones (Eds.), Educational Values and Cognitive Instruction. Vol.2. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum. (Reprinted in M.Ben-Hur (Ed.), On Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment. Palatine, IL: IRI/Skylight, 1994).

Feuerstein, R &  Tannenbaum, A. (1991). Mediating the learning experience of gifted underachievers. In B. Wallace and H.Adams (Eds.), Worldwide Perspectives on the Gifted Underachievers. Bicester, UK: AB Academic Publishers.

Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1991). Toward a common denominator in effective group care programming. Journal of Child and Youth Care, 7: 20-34.

Beker, J. & Feuerstein, R. (1991). The modifying environment and other environmental perspectives in group care. Residential Treatment of Children and Youth, 8: 21-37.

Kaniel, S., Tzuriel, D., Feuerstein, R., Ben-Schachar, N., & Eitan, T. (1991). Dynamic assessment: Learning and transfer abilities of Ethiopian immigrants to Israel. In  Feuerstein, R., Klein, P., & Tannenbaum, A. (Eds.)(1991). Mediated Learning Experience: Theoretical, Psychosocial, and Learning Implications. Tel Aviv and London: Freund.

Tzuriel, D & Feuerstein, R. (1992). Dynamic assessment for prescriptive teaching. In C.Haywood and D.Tzuriel (Eds.), Interactive Assessment. New York: Springer.

Feuerstein, R. & Kozulin, A. (1995). The Bell Curve: Getting the facts straight. Educational Leadership, 52(7): 71-74.

Durkin, R., Beker, J., & Feuerstein, R. (1995). Can environments modify and enhance the development of personality and behavior? Residential Treatment for Children and Youth, 12: 1-14.

Feuerstein, R. and Hoffman, M.B. (1995). Instrumental Enrichment Teacher’s Guides. Palatine, IL: IRI/Skylight.

Feuerstein, R. et al (1995). Learning Propensity Assessment Device: Manual. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R. (1996). The mediated learning experience: Langeveld memorial lecture. University of Utrecht.

Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra., & Schur, Y. (1997). Process as content in education of exceptional children. In A.Costa & R. Liebman (Eds.), Supporting the Spirit of Learning: When Process is Content. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. (Reprinted in A. Kozulin, Ed., The Ontogeny of Cognitive Modifiability. Jerusalem: ICELP Press, 1997).

Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra., & Gross, S. (1997). The learning potential assessment device. In D.Flanagan, J.Genshaft, and P.Harrison (Eds.), Contemporary Intellectual Assessment. New York: Guilford Press.

Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., & Feuerstein, Ra. S. (1998). Feuerstein’s LPAD. In R.Samuda (Ed.), Advances in Cross-Cultural Assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Feuerstein, R., Jackson, Y., & Lewis, J. (1998). Feuerstein’s IE and structural cognitive modifiability. In R.Samuda (Ed.), Advances in Cross-Cultural Assessment. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Feuerstein, R., Falik, L., & Feuerstein, Ra. S. (1998). Definition of essential concepts and terms: A working glossary of SCM, MLE, LPAD and IE. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R., Gross, S., Brodsky Cohen, B., Levin, S. Rathner, A., Stevens, T., Brill, T., Falik, L (1998). Early detection: Blessing or curse. In S. Greenspan (Ed.), Approaches to developmental and learning disorders in infants and children (pp. 253-280). Bethesda, MD: ICDL (Revised version appeared in Oon-Seng Tan and A. Seok-Hoon Seng (Eds.), Enhancing cognitive functions. Singapore: McGraw Hill Asia, 2005)

Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra. S., and Schur, Y. (1999). Instrumental Enrichment: program development and implementation. In E. Peled, (Ed.), Fifty years of educational system in Israel. Jerusalem: Ministry of Education. (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, R. (2000). MLE, IE and LPAD. In S. Greenspan and S. Wieder, (Eds.), International Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders Clinical Practice Guidelines. Silver Spring, MD: ICDL.

Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2000). MLE and IE as a basis of the education of the blind. Educator, vol.12, pp. 1-19.

Feuerstein, R. and Falik, L. (2000). Cognitive modifiability: A needed perspective on learning in the 21st century. College of Education Review (San Francisco State University), vol.12, pp.127-143

Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2001) Is dynamic assessment compatible with the psychometric model? In A.Kaufman & N.Kaufman, (Eds.), Specific Learning Disabilities and Difficulties in Children and Adolescents. N.Y.: Cambridge University Press.

Feuerstein, R., Mintzker, Y, Feuerstein, Ra S., Ben Shachar, N., Cohen, M. and Rathner, A. (2001). Mediated Learning Experience: Guidelines for Parents. Jerusalem: ICELP Press.

Feuerstein, R. and Feuerstein, Ra S. (2002). The influence of MLE on the mediator. Talpiot College Yearbook. Tel-Aviv: Talpiot College (in Hebrew) (English translation available upon request at the ICELP)

Feuerstein, R., Feuerstein, Ra. S., & Feuerstein, A. (2003). Learning potential

assessment device – Basic: Manual. Jerusalem: ICELP.

Feuerstein, R., Kozulin, A. and Falik, L. (2005).  Cultural difference and cultural deprivation as reflected in the dynamic assessment of Ethiopian immigrant children in Israel. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology: Special Issue on Dynamic Assessment, 1: 101-121.

Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R. (2005). Learning disability or deficient learning? Permanent trait or changing state. In E.Paldi (Ed.), Education and challenge of Time – 2. Jerusalem: Histadrut Hamorim (in Hebrew).

Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2005). The Feuerstein programs for early assessment and intervention: The LPAD-Basic and the IE-Basic. In Oon-Seng Tan and A. Seok-Hoon Seng (Eds.), Enhancing cognitive functions. Singapore: McGraw Hill Asia.

Feuerstein, R. (2007). Shaping modifying environments through inclusion. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology: Special Issue No 2: 9-23.

Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2009). LPAD: Learning Propensity Assessment Device Standard – Manual for the mediator (Third revised edition). Jerusalem: ICELP.

Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2009). The FeuersteinInstrumental Enrichment-Basic Program: User’s Guide (2nd revised edition) Jerusalem: ICELP.

Feuerstein, Ra S., Feuerstein, R., & Falik, L. (2009).Learning potential assessment device – Basic: Examiner’s Manual (2nd revised edition). Jerusalem: ICELP

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