Assessment and Screening

Assessment and Screening

In today’s dynamic world, potential has become a more important commodity than knowledge or experience. The Feuerstein Institute operates several programs designed to identify candidates demonstrating the greatest potential to succeed in the classroom or workplace, by examining their ability to use and cope with information in various types of cognitive exercises.

The Process

Assessments and screenings begin with use of Feuerstein’s LPAD dynamic assessment, which measure a candidate’s cognitive processing by identifying their intellectual strengths and weaknesses. As learning is an important part of the examination process, the LPAD has proven to be most effective at deciphering the way a candidate learns, and their potential for further growth.

Often, the assessment process will include a personal interview with the candidate, to determine that their ambitions are in line with their demonstrated abilities. Some projects will also include Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment, which helps further develop the candidates thinking and learning strategies.

Assessment and Screening Program for the High-Tech Sector

The Assessment and Screening Program for the High-Tech Sector strives to integrate candidates from diverse backgrounds into development positions within the high-tech industry. Feuerstein’s program primarily places Ultra-Orthodox women candidates as well as Arab candidates with a relevant Bachelor’s degree or experience in the field.

Assessment and Screening Program for Nursing Studies

The goal of the Assessment and Screening for Nursing Studies is to help Ethiopian emigres integrate into the nursing and healthcare professions, as assist them in coping with the various academic requirements.

Science Education Prep Course

The Science Education Prep Course provides candidates from the Bedouin sector, currently enrolled in either science education or nursing preparatory courses, with tools and strategies cope with the various requirements of their academic institutions and improve their sense of competency.

Assessment and Screening for Academic Scholarships

The Assessment and Screening for Academic Scholarships program lends its expertise in identifying candidates with the highest learning potential and the greatest chances for graduating successfully from their degree program.

Assessment and Screening for Academic Studies

The Assessment and Screening for Academic Studies helps to identify candidates from the geographical, cultural and social periphery who wish to integrate into academia. The goal of the program is to identify the candidates with the highest learning potential, and the greatest ability to integrate into their desired academic department at Israel’s leading universities.

“The Feuerstein Institute aims to bridge existing societal gaps, aiding candidates from disadvantaged backgrounds to reach their full potential in academia and the workplace.”

The cost of treatment for a child with special cognitive needs is US$ 5,000
Help us to change a child’s life.

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