
This course is open to graduates of FIE Standard 1.

Advanced Reading:

More information‏

Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) is a cognitive intervention program. Consisting of specially designed instruments, FIE is a series of pencil-and-paper tasks that may be mediated in a classroom, group, or individual setting. Each series focuses on a different cognitive skill, creating systematic, persistent, and structured conditions to engage learners in problem-solving by developing their ability to understand and elaborate information. 

Course Dates:
March 13-24, 2022

The Feuerstein online courses use learning modalities that include live Zoom classes, prerecorded lectures, and independent work (both individually and in small groups).

Live Zoom classes meet from 16:00-21:00 GMT+2 on the following dates:

  • Sunday, March 13
  • Tuesday, March 15
  • Thursday, March 17
  • Monday, March 21
  • Thursday, March 24

Zoom times are subject to change. Registration closes on January 31, 2022.
