תרומתכם תאפשר לנו להמשיך לקדם תכניות לקידום מימוש הפוטנציאל
A Talk-Aloud and Think-Aloud Approach to Building Language, by Reuven Feuerstein, L.H. Falik, R.S. Feuerstein and K. Bohacs, 2013
What Learning Looks Like – Mediated Learning in Theory and Practice K-6, by Reuven Feuerstein and A. Lewin-Benham, 2012
Beyond Smarter – Mediated Learning and the Brain’s Capacity for Change by Reuven Feuerstein, R.S. Feuerstein and L.H. Falik, 2010
The Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Program by Reuven Feuerstein, Y. Rand, L.H. Falik and R.S. Feuerstein, 2006
Don’t Accept Me As I Am – Helping the Low Functioning Person Excel (revised edition) by Reuven Feuerstein, Y. Rand and R.S. Feuerstein, 2006
Dynamic Assessment of Cognitive Modifiability by Reuven Feuerstein, Y. Rand, L. Falik and R.S. Feuerstein, 2003
Feuerstein’s Theory and Applied Systems: A Reader by Reuven Feuerstein et al., 2003
Biblical and Talmudic Antecedents of Mediated Learning Experience Theory by Shmuel Feuerstein, 2002
Glossary of MLE, LPAD and IE Terms and Concepts, 1998
Learning Experience and Instrumental
Enrichment edited by Alex Kozulin, 1997
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