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The Feuerstein Method is a unique educational technique developed by world-renowned educational and developmental psychologist Reuven Feuerstein. It is a process-based approach focused on developing the vitally important and often overlooked skill of learning how to learn. Feuerstein achieves its goals by identifying learning difficulties, analyzing them, and remediating them through systematic intervention. This process, called Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), is implemented through dynamic assessment (LPAD) and a cognitive intervention program (Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment).

Feuerstein’s proven methodology has helped hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life, across the globe. It has not only withstood the test of time, but has demonstrated its ability to be as useful in the classroom as it is in a clinical setting, at home, with the aging, and as part of vocational training.

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The Feuerstein Method Promotes
Cognitive Efficiency
Intrinsic Motivation
Good Behavior & Emotional Wellness
Bridging Achievement Gaps
Learn to Learn

Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment programs are process-based cognitive intervention programs that are used to help children, adolescents, teens, and adults enhance their learning abilities and improve how they learn.

  • FIE Standard is a curricular content free program that focuses on developing cognitive skills, such as comparing, classification, analysis and synthesis, and hypothetical reasoning.
  • FIE Basic focuses on providing a foundation for learning by developing general concepts, emerging cognitive functions (such as self-regulation, generalization and conceptualization) and internal motivation.
  • FIE Tactile is an innovative learning intervention that uses touch and movement in order to enable learners with ADHD and visually impaired learners to develop critical thinking skills.
  • FIE STEM prepares teachers to intentionally and explicitly mediate learning skills required for success in STEM subjects in a systematic way, helping students to improve their mental flexibility and critical thinking by focusing on different STEM based dispositions.

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Interpersonal Skills

Feuerstein’s seminars guide clinicians, parents, and educators in developing their student’s interpersonal skills, teaching them how to effectively communicate, and avoid and resolve conflicts.

  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution is an intensive five day seminar focused on resolving conflicts that arise between friends, siblings, parents and children, and children and teachers (and other authority figures). The course combines Feuerstein’s principles of mediation with structural elements of conflict mediation to create a more efficient path to diffuse conflicts.
  • Emotional Social Intelligence seminar is a three day workshop in which participants will study Feuerstein’s Basic interpersonal instruments.   Thought-provoking and creative, these instruments offer instruction in such topics as how to turn empathy into constructive action, learn to prevent violence, and infer, act, and behave with thoughtful intelligence. These tools teach children to be considerate friends and contributing members of society – the perfect course for helping children to socially re-acclimate post-COVID!

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Assessment & Intervention

Feuerstein’s LPAD is a dynamic cognitive assessment that is used to determine how an individual thinks and learns. It uses a test-mediate-retest model to demonstrate an individual’s ability to understand and use new knowledge – to learn.

  • LPAD for Primary School Aged Students course is intended for clinical, educational, or vocational specialists authorized to function as assessors in their country. Participants will learn how to administer Feuerstein’s dynamic assessment for grade school age children, to understand and interpret the results, and write reports to guide the child’s learning plan.
  • LPAD Digital course is intended for anyone who wishes to be able to conduct a quick assessment of a child’s learning potential. It is especially useful for those who have studied some FIE, and will use the automated report to guide their client and/or student’s learning plan.

For decades, Feuerstein’s unique treatment protocols and remediation tools have helped thousands of children correct cognitive deficiencies that present on the Autistic Spectrum. 

  • Feuerstein on Autism Seminar is an intensive three day workshop focused on treating children and adults presenting on the autistic spectrum. Led by Feuerstein’s foremost clinical practitioners, participants will gain valuable insight and real world examples of best practices.

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